SEO refers to the methods through which your site's traffic on Google increases, and as a result, people who are looking to buy your products are directed to your site. SEO can be considered as an investment, SEO has the highest rate of return on investment among all internet marketing methods.
Read more: What is SEO? Site optimization for search engines
Henry Ford says about the importance of advertising:
Stopping advertising to save money is like stopping the clock to save time.
Project pricing is one of the hardest things to do in SEO. Basically, SEO services are in such a way that pricing is not an easy task. On the one hand, there are many services that can be provided in an SEO project, and on the other hand, each of the services can be provided in different dimensions. Add to these the degree of difficulty of doing different projects and you will know how complicated SEO pricing can be.
Byfa's SEO team will help you reach your goals step by step by analyzing your work area and providing a suitable strategy and considering all the parameters. These steps will include the following.
External SEO (Off-Page SEO)
Google looks at their brand reputation to determine the credibility of sites; How much other sites talk about a site's brand or share and cite its content. In order for your site to get high ranks in Google search results, you need to get links from other sites and talk about its brand. In these sections, we have taken a closer look at external SEO activities:
A- Analysis of competitors' backlinks
Here too, competitors can help you a lot. In the first step, you should analyze the backlinks that your competitors have taken and formulate a link building strategy based on that. The better you can do than your competitors, the more chances you have of getting higher rankings than them. In addition, during the SEO of the site, you should monitor the backlinks of the competitors and monitor the increase and decrease of their links.
B- Planning the publication of advertisement reports and obtaining valid backlinks
After analyzing your competitors and formulating a strategy, you should go for backlink building. This is one of the most sensitive parts of SEO, because the smallest mistake can cause irreparable damage to you. Since many people build multiple links to rank in Google, Google has raised its sensitivity on this issue and will fine you if you find that you have built links for the site yourself.
The highest quality links are those that are more natural; That is, they should be created on sites related to your field of work, their number and growth should be balanced and they should be created on reliable sites. Publishing ad reports and building backlinks on reputable sites is one of the most important things you can do for link building.
Technical SEO
A- Improvement of core web vitals factors
In recent years, Google has paid a lot of attention to user experience and takes their user experience into consideration to rank websites. He even introduced factors to measure user experience in order to clarify the task of site managers with this issue. These factors, known as core web vitals, each measure an aspect of the user experience. These aspects include the loading speed of the site, the image stability of the site and the speed of its interaction with users. Improving these factors requires some technical measures on the site to improve its speed and improve its core web vitals factors.
B- checking the schema of the pages
Schemas are elements that are used on each page to make it better known to Google bots. Schemas can tell Google bots the nature of a page, such as whether it is an article page, a product page, or a Q&A page. In addition, other fine-grained information about different pages of the site can be provided to Google using schema. Although the schema does not directly affect the page rank, but by providing detailed information about them, it makes Google robots understand the pages more correctly and improves their rank indirectly.
C. Fixing technical errors
Any site will experience technical errors in its work process; For example, the url address of some pages may be corrupted or a page may lose its ability to be read by search engines. If such problems occur, there will be major flaws in their SEO. For this reason, you should always monitor your site and in case of technical errors, act quickly to fix or correct them.
D- Creating a sitemap file
The sitemap file is actually the map of your site (sitemap) that shows what pages your site has, what the structure of the pages is like and where each article is located. Creating a sitemap file and submitting it to Google will help Google get a more detailed understanding of your site's content and quickly notice its updates.
and - robot.txt file
The robot.txt file should be considered a guide for search engine robots. This file tells Google's robots or crawlers which pages to crawl and which pages not to go to. Creating this file will help you control the connection of Google bots with your site. In this way, you can remove some unnecessary pages from Google's crawl list.
Ranking Reports
Starting the SEO process, weekly and monthly reports are prepared on the SEO performance of your site.
Progress Reports
Your site's SEO progress report keeps you updated on the process of improving your site's ranking. (My site rank in Google and Jet SEO - getting site ranking)
Analysis of how to increase the conversion rate (Conversion Optimization)
To increase the conversion rate and earn more, it is better to have detailed analysis in hand; You may need to change your strategy.
SEO Strategy
You definitely need to have a justified and logical strategy before choosing any type of SEO service. The strategy should be formulated based on your business needs and include short and long term goals and milestones.
Common pricing methods for SEO projects
Hourly SEO price
Some SEOs calculate their work on an hourly basis with the employer. These people charge a specific hourly rate for their specialized work and calculate the amount of time spent on each site. At the end of each month, based on the hours spent on the site, they receive its fee from the employer.
This method cannot be very accurate; However, some people may do things faster and others slower, or for example, the speed of doing things changes in some days or hours. On the other hand, the cost of this method will probably be different every month, as a result, the employer cannot have an estimate of the budget needed for the SEO project of his site.
SEO price as a project
Some people and companies calculate the SEO price of a site completely and provide it to the employer. In this method, the total cost of the project is paid in specific installments at certain time intervals. The advantage of project SEO price is that the employer knows the necessary cost from the beginning and plans to allocate it; But the project may require a higher cost than the initial estimate during implementation, especially for external SEO. This can cause problems in the completion of the project.
Monthly SEO price
One of the most common ways to determine SEO pricing is monthly pricing. In this way, a general and approximate estimate of the total cost of the project is made and this cost is received on a monthly basis. Also, in this method, an estimate of the time needed to implement the project should be provided to the employer. The advantage of the monthly method is that the employer knows the budget required for the entire project and the monthly budget and plans to provide it. Also, if more expenses are needed, the project can be extended for several months.
SEO price based on performance and results
Announcing the price of SEO based on performance and results is the method most preferred by employers, because they can pay for it based on the report received from the SEO and the progress achieved. In other methods, SEO can claim the costs without the need to submit a report. Despite the advantage that this method has for the employer, it can cause problems for the SEO at the beginning of the project, because at the beginning of the project, not much result is received from it. Of course, in this case, you can claim the costs by submitting a performance report.
? How is the site SEO price determined
One of the most important questions that online business owners should ask themselves is how much they should spend on SEO. Before we explain more about this topic, it is important to mention that SEO is the process of increasing targeted traffic to your site, which in turn leads to more sales, so spending on SEO is a It is considered an investment, and considering the return on investment it has for organizations, SEO is not considered an expense, but an investment.
In general, asking about the price of SEO and site optimization is like asking how much a car costs? Just as the cost you pay to buy a car depends on its model and use, when it comes to budgeting for your business SEO project, the cost is determined by the type of service performed. Therefore, in order to be able to give a proper answer to this question, we must check the conditions of doing the work and the status of the project.
A good SEO strategy starts with assessing your target audience and their needs. In the next stages, SEO will attract these audiences to your business like a magnet.
The price of website SEO depends on how the services are performed by the SEO companies and also the purpose of your business. SEO services have different methods that companies active in this field do pricing based on. Some SEO companies charge huge amounts for these services, and there are also people who are willing to take over the SEO of your site with low amounts and the promise of results in the shortest time. Most of these people use black hat methods to increase the site's rank. These methods may bring results in the short term, but in the long term, the ranking of the site will drop and cause irreparable losses to your business.
SEO site price can be determined in different ways. What makes the price difference for a project is the amount of work that can be done on it. In the following, we mention two important methods of determining the price of SEO:
SEO price based on keyword
SEO site price based on the package
Byfa is the first company in Iran that offered its SEO services to customers based on SEO packages. There are various reasons for receiving SEO services through a package, some of them in brief are: long-term vision of cooperation with an SEO company, increase in Google input compared to other methods, activity based on white SEO principles and approved by Google, effectiveness. less than sudden changes in Google rankings and...
Keep in mind that SEO is an investment and like any other investment, it must be done with study in order to be profitable. Byfa SEO team will first check your site and your work area and then will announce the SEO rate of your site based on your needs.
Factors affecting the price of SEO site
What causes the difference in the price of SEO are various factors. On the one hand, the number of target keywords can determine the size of the project, on the other hand, the difficulty of each project is a determining factor in its price. The more competition there is in a field of work, that is, the more sites compete for ranking in Google, the more SEO activities are needed. This issue increases the price of these projects.
Another issue that can affect the SEO price of your site is the technical condition of your site. If your site needs changes in coding or content management system, it can increase the cost of SEO.
Why is the SEO price of some sites low?
The work area of a site is actually the most effective factor in determining its SEO price. On the one hand, the level of competition in the field of work changes the SEO price of different sites, and on the other hand, its target keywords. In some business areas, there are basically limited products and few keywords to get the target customers to the site; As a result, the workload of your SEO project will be lower and its price will be lower. If there is little competition in such a project, it will still reduce its price.
SEO is a professional technique to improve your site's ranking and there are many factors that can affect your site's SEO. The SEO price of some sites is low because many companies and SEOs are looking to use black hat SEO techniques. Of course, not all factors can be attributed to black hat SEO; Because part of the low quality of SEO and the price of site optimization is due to the inexperience and lack of professionalism of the SEO.
Factors determining the SEO rate of your site in Byfa
The level of competition in your field of work determines the cost of SEO
As it was said, competition in any field of work plays an effective role in determining the site optimization rate. Some business areas, such as tourism or medicine, are very active sites in their field of activity, each of which seeks to obtain high Google rankings in related keywords. Due to heavy competition, each of these sites needs a lot of activity to improve their site status and SEO. As a result, ranking in such areas has become very difficult and requires a lot of effort. For this reason, the level of competition in a field of work has a great impact on determining the price of SEO.
The number of keywords related to the field of work on the first page of Google
In addition to competition, a factor that affects the workload of an SEO project is the number of keywords. Choosing the right keywords is the first and most important step of an SEO project. Byfa's SEO team will select the best keywords for you by analyzing the target market of your business. This choice will be such that it will not only increase the visit of the site, but also convert this visitor into a customer. The higher the number of these words, the higher the number of visits and, as a result, your sales. The number of keywords you need depends on the size of your business.
To rank for each keyword, all internal and external SEO activities must be done for that page. As a result, the more the target keywords of the site, the more workload and time the project will require.
The need or lack of need of your site to modify the programming structure
The right structure helps search engines to better understand the topic of the site and as a result to consider a higher ranking for your site. We will first check the structure of your site and provide the necessary suggestions to improve it.
If your site does not have the correct programming structure, it will not have the necessary infrastructure to be ranked in Google. Imagine the way the site is coded in such a way that it slows down, such a site cannot score well in the critical core web factors.
As a result, no matter how much work is done on the internal and external SEO of its pages, it will still be difficult to reach the top ranks of Google. If your site has such a condition, you should first fix the technical problems and modify its programming structure. This issue will also affect the price of doing SEO of the site.
The required amount of content production
After the number of target keywords of a site has been determined, it is necessary to determine the amount of content required for each of them. All keywords do not require the same amount of content, but the amount of content required differs based on the behavior of competitors, the breadth of the topic and the level of competition. Accordingly, the amount of content needed by each site affects its SEO price.
To determine the exact cost of SEO services by Byfa, our experts must check your site and the field of work you have and based on that, offer you the best proposal to get the right result.
? How does the current state of your site affect the price of an SEO project
White Hat SEO vs. Black Hat SEO
Search engines rank websites based on their secret algorithms. These algorithms are designed based on certain principles. An SEO work tries to improve the position of a site in search engines according to these principles. The difference between white hat and black hat SEO is related to the technique used in applying these principles.
Black hat SEO refers to methods to increase site ranking that are against the rules and guidelines of search engines. All the focus of this method is on search engines and the user has no place in it. Unlike black hat SEO, white hat SEO follows the rules and guidelines of search engines. In this method, the focus is more on the audience and the content is produced for the user.
On the opposite side of black hat SEO is white hat SEO, which is based on Google's guidelines and the standards introduced by Google. Activities in the field of white hat SEO make the process of improving your site in Google a long-term and permanent process, and in the long run, the brand Your site will improve in your field of work and also the value of your site with Google. Also, gray hat SEO methods are methods that are intermediate between black and white methods.
Factors that have a negative impact on SEO
- When you create content for your site or blog, you should not use copied content. If you order the production of an article, you should be careful that it does not use duplicate content that has been used in other sources. Google has several bots to search for such violations. If such an error occurs, your site's ranking will not improve.
- Building links and getting backlinks is one of the ways to improve your site's SEO. If you use malicious backlinks, your site will be downgraded. You should note that your reference site is valid so that such problems do not occur to you.
? Why is it better to order your SEO services as a package from Byfa
Then, by more closely examining the level of competition in your field of work, the number of keywords you want and the current state of the site, they will formulate the SEO strategy of your site and give you an approximate estimate of its price.
The history and experience of Byfa's SEO experts gives you the confidence that you will get the necessary results from your site's SEO. In addition, Byfa SEO experts will provide the necessary guidance and advice based on digital marketing principles to improve the performance of your site in attracting audiences and converting them into customers. Also, the SEO strategy of your site is formulated in such a way that it directs potential customers to your site at different stages of the customer journey.
As mentioned, Google's algorithms have been very advanced over time, and as in the past, it is not possible to guarantee a ranking in a specific word, and this is against Google's guidelines. In fact, one of the important differences between new and old SEO is the same issue. We guarantee to place you on the first page of Google in a set of keywords, we always extract new keywords in your field of work and as a result increase targeted visits to your site.
Currently, Byfa's SEO services include various packages, the most important point in choosing these packages is the type of business and the needs of your audience. You can choose one of these packages based on the competition in your field of work and the type of your audience. Our experts will offer you the best work package by examining your needs. Contact us for more information about Byfa's SEO methods and SEO prices.